Face Reading Astrology
Just like Palmistry Face Reading is the process of interpreting your future by analyzing the face. Face Reading is neither an occult art or nor an psychological approach, yet it is regionally considered as an astrological approach. Physiognomy or “ Face Reading” is the expertised analysis of decoding an unknown individual’s trio-life.
Face Reading Astrology is evolving since the age of Prahaladh and went under various transformation during the period of Socrates, Aristotle, Avicenna, Michael Scott and Gerlamo Cardono, where Gerlamo wrote separately 13 books on forehead reading. Contribution of Kaspar Lavatar and Cesar Lombroso are unmatchable who brought Face Reading to the next level and made it popular. Every parts of the face is known to perform a specific task and helpful in predicting the particular happening of a human life.
Why Face Reading?
Face reading is done for various purpose apart from trio-life analysis which includes like

Analyzing parents life

Career analysis

Marriage life

About children

World-Class Face Reading Based Consultation
Mr. Shanker Narrayan is a world-class consultant who is having vast experience in Face- Reading approach. He is having a deep knowledge in face reading so that he works with every part of face reading to provide you the best prediction and suggestions accordingly.